Blogs & Articles
Showing 397 to 414 of 963 articles-
Safe walkies: Eight ways to reduce the chances of dog thieves targeting you on walks
Owning a cat is good for you! Ten health benefits of cat ownership
Golden Retriever saved abandoned baby koala and brought him home with her
Dog looks after injured friend hit by car all night until help finally arrives
Strays found guarding blind elderly woman asleep by river
Man sleeps with 600 rescue dogs to keep them warm at night
Households 'buy 3.2 million pets in lockdown'
Rescue dog adopts three orphaned kittens after losing her own litter of puppies
Cockney canines: London named as the most dog-friendly city in Europe
Guy takes the shirt off his back and gives it to a cold stray dog
Loyal dog refuses to leave mum’s side after saving her life
Snip snip! The benefits and advice of neutering or spaying your pet
Dog owner builds a ‘doggie-vator’ stairlift for her three elderly rescued pugs and people find it adorable
‘Can dogs walk in snow?’ How Google helps us to keep our pets happy - and well fed
Bus station opens doors to stray dogs so they have a warm place to sleep
Homeless cat brings all her babies to meet the woman who helped her
Family waits outside for 27 hours to adopt dog with a heart on her chest
Training trouble? Five specific beliefs or approaches to dog training you might not realise are negative reinforcement