Britain’s biggest dog is 7ft and weighs the same as a baby elephant

Meet Balthazar: Possibly Britain's Biggest Dog
At seven-foot long and weighing the same as a baby elephant, there’s no doubt that Balthazar is larger than average. Metro reports that a recent trip to the vets might have just confirmed the 3ft 3in tall Blue Great Dane as the biggest dog in Britain.
Balthazar's Diet and Home Life
His huge size sees the 15 stone dog eat 30kg of food a month, setting his owners back more than £100. He lives with Vinnie, 46, and Dixie Monte-Irvine, 39, and their three children Francesca, 11, Gloria, four, and two-year-old Tyrion at their detached home in Gedling, Nottingham. And they were shocked to find on a trip to the vets this week that he weighed a huge 15st 6lb - three stone heavier than the world’s tallest dog. For a dog like Balthazar, finding the right dog food is crucial due to his size and dietary needs.
The Gentle Giant and His Family
"He is a big dog and we were told from when he was a lot smaller that he was always quite heavy for his age," said Vinnie. "He isn’t a fat dog though as you can still see his ribs. We took him to the vets as he has a poorly leg and he needed to be weighed to see how much medication he can take. After he was weighed everyone at the surgery was gobsmacked and we were all just Googling to see if he was actually the world’s heaviest living dog."
Balthazar's Unique Relationship with His Family
The family’s other dog, 15-year-old Patterdale Terrier Fifi, has become a surrogate mum to Balthazar who the family got when he was just six-weeks-old. Despite his size Vinnie said Balthazar is a gentle giant who likes to play with their children and is best friends with the family’s three pet cats. To understand more about communicating with pets like Balthazar, check out these pet training buzzers.
Living with a Giant
Stress hormone levels were measured using saliva samples during the day. He added: "He is a calm dog and he mostly likes to just sit around with our cats. They see themselves as a pack and will usually all come out on a walk together. We have three cats, Magic, Buffy and Leo. Buffy and Leo sleeping on either side of him when they go to bed. We have to buy him special dog beds online and he regularly eats them. He lives in the kitchen which thankfully is a big kitchen but it can make a cooking a challenge at times." To learn more about different breeds and their unique characteristics, visit our Discover page.
The Great Dane in the Guinness World Records
The Guinness World Records don’t keep a record for the heaviest dog due to animal welfare reasons. But last summer a three-year-old Great Dane called Major was in the running to be crowned the world’s tallest dog. The giant dog, who lives with owners Brian and Julie Williams in Penmaen near Swansea, South Wales, stands at a whopping eight feet tall on his hind legs. But he only weighs 12 stone which is three stone less than Balthazar.