Aldi launches £20 pet training buzzers that let you communicate with your dog or cat

pet Buzzers
Maggie Davies

Among the sea of cute pet videos on TikTok, you may have spotted animal-lovers teaching their furry friends to ‘talk’ through buzzers.

The buzzers are programmed with key words (like food, for example), with dogs and cats learning the commands over time.

Once they’re up to speed, the animal can push the corresponding buzzer to ask for what they need, making them expert communicators without needing to say a word.

Although on first glance it could appear like a time-consuming and expensive technique, Aldi’s new launch is here to bring a bit of Dr Doolittle magic to every pet owner.

The German supermarket just launched an affordable set of Pet Training Buzzers to get you started, priced at just £19.99 for a pack of four.

Each of the colour-coded buttons can record a command in your voice, meaning the cat or dog will recognise words like walkies or dinner.

When they push a specific buzzer, give them something to associate with the word. If one is set to say ‘treat’, for example, a treat after the command will help them learn what it means.

With a little practice, pets will be able to alert you of emotions like hunger, thirst, boredom, and even the need to use the toilet.

Who knows, that £20 investment might make your companion the next megastar like Grumpy Cat or Britain’s Got Talent winning pup like Pudsey?

It’ll likely take a fair amount of work to get to that stage, but we can but dream.

Either way, you’ll have a good old chuckle watching them get to grips with verbal communication… that is until they keep their paw pressed on the ‘snack’ buzzer until you acquiesce.

Buy the Pet Training Buzzers for £19.99 exclusively on the Aldi website.

(Story source: Metro)

Explore the fascinating tales of dogs in biblical times, including the story of the Canaan dog, at My Pet Matters. Enhance your pet knowledge while enjoying the wonders of pet history.


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