How you really can learn to talk to your pet! An animal psychic reveals how we can communicate with all animals.

animal Psychic
Maggie Davies

It may sound loopy, but a new book by an animal psychic says almost all of us have telepathic powers we can harness to have conversations with cats, dogs, cows… and even snakes!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve received messages from the animals in my life – not just dogs, cats and horses but parrots, rabbits, guinea pigs, even snakes. As a child, I was obsessed with horses and dearly wanted a pony of my own, something far out of my family’s financial reach.

I used to make my dad stop the car at the end of our road, on the outskirts of Birmingham, so I could stroke the two horses that lived in the field.

When I was 11, I began riding a small white pony called Toby at the local stables. In my mind I spoke with Toby, silently asking him questions in my head.

He would answer me with pictures and words he sent back into my mind, telling me all about his past, including his previous injuries and his current aches and pains.

I thought this was normal – just something that happened when you rode horses.

It wasn’t until I asked another rider what her pony was saying, and saw her astonished expression, that I realised not everyone experienced what I did.

Many do, though. People who make great pet psychics and animal communicators are usually highly empathetic, ‘feeling’ the pain of others.

They always have lively imaginations and often a love of music. Most of all, throughout their lives they have had the sense of being different, able to relate to animals as easily as to people.

I am convinced that this natural ability is one most of us possess, though from the time we are little we are discouraged from using it – scolded for having ‘an overactive imagination’ or ‘making things up’.

I believe, too, that animals very often want to communicate with us.

They wish we were better at listening. For many years, I have devoted my life to helping pet-lovers use their psychic senses to receive those messages.

For that to happen we have to put aside self-doubt and ignore those nagging voices that claim animals can’t talk.

Since that first pony, I have been able to exchange mind messages with animals – at first my own pets, then all creatures.

I will often wander into a pet shop so that I can have a chat with the small creatures on sale. I ask them if they are looking forward to a new home and if they are well cared for.

Sometimes there are rabbits and guinea pigs in the same enclosure, and they will communicate their likes and dislikes for each other.

I also believe our pets are gifted healers. Every animal has a purpose and each one is sent to us for a specific reason.

Humans are intuitive beings, born with telepathic and psychic abilities. But as we get older, we tend towards the logical in our lives and our natural skills become stagnant.

Like a muscle that has become flabby through underuse, they need to be exercised to become stronger.

At one workshop I held for people wanting to communicate with their pets, I paired up two women who had never tested their psychic abilities.

They’d both brought photographs of their favourite animals, a dog and a horse. Sadly, the dog had died, but the horse was alive.

The women swapped photos and I encouraged them to sit quietly together and write down any impressions forming in their minds.

After a few minutes, the horse’s owner put down the picture of the dog. ‘I am so sorry,’ she said, ‘I am really struggling. All I have written down is “green frog”. I don’t think I’ve done very well. I could just see a green frog in my mind.’

The other woman burst into tears. ‘A green frog was my dog’s favourite toy,’ she said. ‘In fact, he loved it so much that we buried it with him.’

The secret to being able to hear an animal’s thoughts is trusting what comes into your mind.

Marty taught me that. He was an African Grey parrot who lived with a couple named Ron and Carla. When Ron died, Carla couldn’t cope with the bird and I agreed to take care of him.

He was old, about 50, and grumpy. He would often try to bite me. I asked if he was happy living with us. Very clearly, he told me, ‘I miss Ron,’ and pictures arrived unbidden in my head of the two of them together.

I could see Marty tucked into Ron’s coat, just his head poking out. When I told Carla, she said Ron used to take Marty everywhere… often inside his coat.

Once I understood how deeply this bird was grieving, I was able to help him. Marty needed to bond with a male. He became attached to my son Kieran, squawking out his name until Kieran gave him attention.

When Marty died from old age, three years later, something extraordinary happened. A lady named Verity called and asked whether I might look after her parrot while she went into hospital. His name, she said, was Marty. It turned out that Verity was Ron’s first wife. They bought the original Marty together. When they split up, Verity acquired a second parrot, also an African Grey, and decided to call him Marty, too.

Marty II came to live with us and became an essential part of my animal communication workshops. I urged students to ask him telepathically what his favourite food was. Usually, they’d find themselves thinking of bananas… which Marty loved.

One student surprised me. She said Marty was telling her he wanted crisps. I was dubious because I’d never seen him eat one. But we opened a packet as an experiment, and Marty tucked in, snatching them out of my fingers.

It was a reminder that it’s important to listen to what animals are saying, not what we’re expecting to hear.

Marty II was with us for more than ten years. When he died, I received a wonderful message, an image of him with his wings outstretched. I heard him say, in my mind’s ear, ‘I can fly!’ Many years before I first knew him, he’d had his wings clipped and was unable to fly. I still miss him dearly but it’s a great comfort to know he is happy.

I’m convinced telepathic animal communication is possible for anyone willing to believe in their innate gifts.

My method is called Psychic Animal Communication Technique, or PACT, because every time we link our thought with another creature we’re making a pact – one that will work only if both parties agree.

Start by calming your mind with a meditation. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a slow count of seven, then breathe out through your mouth. Do this three times.

Tap the centre of your forehead with your fingertip gently seven times.

Raise your eyes up, slowly close them and imagine yourself in a familiar place that you love, such as at the beach, in a field, by a river or even in your own home.

Think of the animal you want to communicate with. If the animal is with you, or you have a photograph or a description, open your eyes to look at it for a few moments. Within your mind, say their name three times and ask them to join you.

Formulate questions, such as, ‘How are you feeling?’ The answers may sound like your own voice in your mind, or may be a vision or thought.

You may sense an emotion, a strong gut feeling, or even catch the scent of an aroma.

At the end, before you open your eyes, mentally thank the animal. You may find you can taste a particular food in your own mouth, or even that you can smell something.

You will not fall into a hypnotic trance or experience any paranormal type of activity, so there is no need to feel scared.

Even if you are not deliberately reaching out to read your pet’s mind, your dog or cat is certainly reading yours.

When you spend time with your pet, be mindful of the pictures and words in your thoughts.

For instance, you might not want your dog to sit on your sofa. Your first instinct may be to tell them, out loud, ‘Don’t get on the sofa!’

But if, as you are saying this, you have a picture in your mind of your dog on your sofa, that’s what they will see. And when they see that image, they will of course try to oblige.

Instead, focus on what you want to happen. Conjure up a picture of your dog in their own bed, and that’s what they will pick up on.

Visualise the behaviour you want. Some people will be sceptical, but I’ve come to understand it is no bad thing.

Try not to take it personally when someone is rude to you or thinks the idea of talking to animals is a joke.

When I ran a business supplying equipment for horses, I met a woman called Carol who had a saddle-making workshop at her home in Walsall, West Midlands.

One afternoon, I was collecting saddles Carol had repaired for me. As we got chatting, she told me her mare, Betsy, had started to act strangely.

Ten-year-old Betsy was usually a placid horse. But she would move around, paw the ground anxiously and sway sideways each time Carol attempted to ride her. I told Carol I was an animal communicator and asked if she’d like me to talk to Betsy.

Carol looked shocked and said, ‘I’m really surprised that you do this, Beth – you seem like such a normal person!’

Betsy was a beautiful bay Welsh Cob pony. She came to the fence to greet us with her ears forward – a sign that she was relaxed. I put my hand out and stroked her face. She began nuzzling my hand.

I immediately felt a surge of emotion coming from her as Carol said, ‘Okay, I think Betsy likes you so I’m willing to give this a try.’

I telepathically introduced myself to Betsy, and she gave me mental pictures, words and phrases to describe her life. I told Carol that Betsy was happy and loved her.

Betsy said Carol would often come to her stable and cry into her mane. Carol looked surprised but confirmed she’d been upset lately.

Then Betsy showed me an image of a man and said he had broken Carol’s heart. I saw him packing a suitcase and driving off in a sports car, which Carol also confirmed. ‘But how does Betsy know this?’ she asked.

I explained that Betsy was a very sensitive horse with psychic ability. I could see Carol was no longer a sceptic.

Thanks to that reading, Betsy came to one of my workshops and learned how to communicate telepathically with animals herself.

Adapted from Everything You Need To Know To Become A Pet Psychic: How To Master The Secrets Of Animal Communication by Beth Lee-Crowther, published by Welbeck Balance at £12.99.

(Article source: Daily Mail)

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