Blogs & Articles
People fleeing Ukraine cling to their beloved pets amid war
London's 'biggest dog’! Diego is 6ft and weighs 15st - but often gets mistaken for cow
Smart dog collar developed as fitness tracker for pets to monitor health
CES 2022: Lavviebox smart litter tray helps you keep an eye on your cat’s weight to spot signs of illness
‘I’d know that miaow anywhere’: Woman finds long-lost cat after recognising his voice
Smart Snout: Dog lover creates genius tracking app to find missing pups
Who’s a clever dog? Scientists study secrets of canine cognition
From yaps to howls: What your dog’s bark means - and how to get them to tone it down
Whispering Willows: Woman turns home into dog hospice and now cares for 80 pooches at once
Adorable puppy enjoys his first flight on a plane - and even gets a window seat
Tim Dowling: the cat and I are both struggling with the new cat flap
Tail of valour: SAS dog handler who ran through hail of bullets to save canine that was shot after flushing out Taliban sniper in Kabul is set for bravery medal
Long in the tooth: Goldie the pufferfish has emergency dental work
‘A protective bubble’: Covid-sniffing dogs help scientists - and Metallica - spot infection
'My mum is so embarrassed of my dog's name that she's refusing to walk him'
Gloucester Services cat reunited with owners after seven months
Catch them if you can? Meet the exotic pet detectives
New Norwich homeowners surprised to find cat in cupboard