SCOOBY-BOO! Great Dane is such a scaredy-cat his owners have dubbed him a real-life Scooby-Doo

Rens Hageman

Dex is just a big baby who gets the jitters from the sound of a lawnmower to the rustling of a paper bag.

The Sun reports that a 6FT 2in tall Great Dane is such a scaredy-cat his owners have dubbed him a real-life Scooby-Doo. Mary-Ann Riley discovered Dez was a big baby even though he is 11½st. He jumped into her arms at the sound of the dishwasher or a rustling paper bag, just like the TV cartoon hound. During walks he was terrified of traffic and even shied away from lamp-posts. Mary-Ann, of Alfreton, Derbys, said: “He’d flinch when I’d open a tin. I knew I had to do something. Such a big dog couldn’t be scared of such little things.” She booked him on to a behaviour therapy course and he has had 200-plus sessions costing more than £1,500. Mary-Ann, 46, said he has still to conquer all of his fears but she can just about get him out for a walk now. She said: “We’ve been twice a week for over two years. He is still scared by lawnmowers, tractors and the neighbour’s four pugs but it’s a start! He’s a lot braver, and is finally acting his size, but he’s still a Scooby-Doo at times!” (Story source: The Sun)

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