Yellow leads the way: A colourful revolution in canine confidence

Yellow leads the way: A colourful revolution in canine confidence
Margaret Davies

A unique initiative to ease anxiety and stress among dogs is breaking ground and changing lives, both furry and human. Sarah Jones, inspired by her own journey with her Cocker Spaniel Bella, has pioneered the #DogsInYellow movement, now celebrating its third year of fostering understanding and compassion for anxious dogs across the UK.

Sarah’s innovative approach, featuring yellow harnesses and leads signalling a dog’s need for space, has not only provided a voice for pets like Bella but also united a community of over 14,000 dog owners seeking support and advice.

“It’s about giving our dogs the voice they don’t have,” Sarah explains. “Yellow has become a banner under which owners of anxious dogs can rally, finding strength in numbers and shared experiences.”

The impact of this colourful campaign is undeniable.

A survey among 1,000 participants revealed that 90% found walks more enjoyable with their dogs in yellow, while 32% felt empowered to revisit dog-friendly spaces, marking a significant step towards normalising anxiety in pets.

“Wearing yellow doesn’t just signal to others; it’s a reminder to us, the owners, that we’re not alone,” Sarah, 57 from Berkshire, adds.

Fuelled by the success of #DogsInYellow, Sarah embarked on a nationwide tour, bringing stories of hope and resilience to communities from the highlands to the coast.

“Every stop on our tour is a chance to spread understanding, to bridge the gap between fear and friendship,” she says.

The movement’s reach has extended beyond individual owners, partnering with major dog events and festivals like North East Dog Festival, All About Dogs and Dogstival to ensure anxious dogs and their owners are welcomed and understood.

These events have adapted to include ‘yellow zones,’ offering a safe haven for dogs needing a break from the excitement.

As #DogsInYellow gears up to celebrate its third anniversary on 20th March, the movement stands as a testament to the power of community and the simple act of wearing yellow.

“This isn’t just about Bella or me; it’s about every dog and owner struggling to find their place,” Sarah reflects. “Yellow is more than a colour; it’s a symbol of hope, understanding, and acceptance.”

For more information on the #DogsInYellow movement and how to participate, visit:

Join the revolution in canine care and be part of a community that’s making strides towards a more inclusive and understanding world for anxious dogs and their owners.

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