Britain's meanest moggy with no tail and folded ears searches for home

Britain's meanest stray has been delivered a knock out blow by an ugly-mug moggie.
The Express reports that battle-scarred Ottis is staking the claim as the nation’s toughest-looking street fighting cat after his war wounds shocked animal rescuers. With no tail, folded ears and a face covered with claw marks from a life of scrapping, Ottis looks like he has scored a points victory over the world famous stray dubbed “Ricky Catton” because of his pugilistic persona. Crabby tabby Fergal earned his boxing nickname earlier this summer as attempts to find him a new home floundered because of his sour puss features. His predicament went vital, with animal lovers across the globe flooding the Cats Protection rescue centre in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire with gifts for Fergal to put a grin on his battered face. While the publicity eventually earned Fergal a new home, Ottis the challenger remains languishing in a rescue centre because animal welfare workers are struggling to match him with a new owner. Pictures of care-worn Ottis were released by the RSPCA today to show the eight year old black and white feline from his best side after weeks of waiting for adoption. When Ottis arrived off the streets at the charity’s Southall Cattery in Hounslow, west London, back in April, a life of fighting had left him looking hangdog. Along with an injury to his left hind leg, his tail needed amputating and there was an abscess and scars around his ears, most likely from fighting with other cats. Although his ears look folded and his tail has become nothing more than a stump, Ottis’s RSPCA carers still describe him as a “handsome gentleman”. Aneel Odhwani, animal care assistant at Southall Cattery, made a heartfelt plea for cat lovers to give him a chance, explaining: “Ottis loves people and sometimes he can become a little over-excited, so may need an adult-only household and a family who will understand his quirky personality. He has so much love to offer and his vibrant character really shines through. “He’s a lively boy with lots of personality and really does deserve his second chance at happiness.” The RSPCA also has another word of warning: “Ottis would prefer to be the only cat in a home and would prefer not to live with a dog.” To rehome Ottis, call RSPCA Southall Cattery on 0300 123 0746