Bold as brass! Cheeky badger breaks into cat's home, steals his food and sleeps in his bed

A couple were in for a shock this week when they arrived home to find a badger curled up in their cat’s bed.
Metro reports that the cheeky creature was found having a nap in the cat basket of the home in Linlithgow, West Lothian - and remained totally oblivious when the homeowners returned.
But it wasn’t long until they realised he had somehow squeezed through the cat flap and made himself comfortable. Oh, and he had eaten all of the cat food.
The Scottish SPCA were later called to help move the animal from the house in Beecraigs Country Park. Animal Rescue Officer Connie O’Neil said: "I got a surprise when I arrived at the property and saw a badger having a nap. He got in through the cat flap and had eaten all the cat food before going for a sleep on the cat bed. He didn’t seem too happy when I tried to move him but I was able to slide the cat bed round and it was then that the badger noticed the back door was open so made a run for it."
Scottish SPCA Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said: "It is highly unusual for a wild badger to enter a house and we would urge anyone to immediately contact our animal helpline on 03000 999 999 should they find one in an unusual place. Like all wild animals badgers can be aggressive when injured or cornered so we would advise not to go near or touch them without giving us a call first."
(Story source: Metro)