And the cats came too...

cat lovers
Rens Hageman

Cat-crazy entrepreneur Thomas Vles got on his bike to take his pets on 300-mile road trip - to launch a new range aimed at cat lovers.

My Pet Online reports that Thomas cycled more than 300 miles from Amsterdam with cats, Mushi and Cheesy arriving in London this week to launch his new Poopy Cat range.

Inspired by the Popemobile, Thomas's custom-made ‘Kittymobile’ was specially converted from a traditional Dutch bicycle for the journey to ensure that the cats, who normally live with a their friends in Poopy Cat's offices, travelled in comfort.

To keep Mushi and Cheesy entertained while in the Kittymobile, Thomas installed a cat playhouse (above), designed to stimulate mental and physical activity for house cats. And when nature called, a hygienic, disposable, biodegradable Poopy Cat litter box was also installed.

The Poopy Cat ambassadors and founder Thomas arrived to a red carpet reception to launch their first ‘poop-up’ store at Old Street roundabout in London, following a tour of key attractions across the capital.

Video launch of Poopy Cat Dolls goes viral

Poopy Cat launched in December 2014 in the Netherlands via the world’s first cat pop group, the Poopy Cat Dolls - their hit ‘Do you want my purr purr’ - went viral. A video of the Poopy Cat Head Office, where the cats live permanently, recently secured global media attention with more than 1.2 million YouTube views.

Commenting on his adventure, Thomas Vles said: “I know how much the British love their animals and from the overwhelming response we had to our online videos and Kickstarter campaign, we knew that the UK had to be next for Poopy Cat.

“Mushi and Cheesy are Poopy Cat’s ambassadors. Not only are they the face of Poopy Cat, they also inspire our product development team, relieve us from stress in the office and test our products extensively. Mushi and Cheesy had to be there for the launch in London, however first class travel for cats is not yet available. The Kittymobile was the perfect solution, offering a spacious and personalized travel vessel!”

(Story source: My Pet Online)

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