Pete Lewin Newfoundlands

Pete Lewin Newfoundlands offer emotional support swims, education and demonstrations in water rescue, along with health and well-being seminars to individuals, schools, groups and charities in the UK and worldwide.

Ceangail le suirí comhbhách

Aimsigh feisteoir fíoraithe agus athbhreithnithe a choinneoidh cuideachta do pheataí agus a thabharfaidh am, cúram agus aire dóibh ar fud an domhain.

Faigh amach teach ina suí ar fud an domhain

Déan iniúchadh ar na mílte suíonn tí agus aimsigh do chéad eachtra suí peataí eile.

Where It All Began

Pete Lewin Newfoundlands began as a water rescue demonstration group. Whilst working as a HART Paramedic and being trained in water rescue, Pete saw the potential for the dogs to be used in real life rescue. Along with his team, Pete developed immobilisation manoeuvres and a human cradle to rescue people involved in water incidents, using the dogs to pull them back to shore. He toured the country showing fire services and rescue teams the capabilities of this amazing dog breed but unfortunately, nothing came of this.

Pete and his Newfoundlands continued to do water safety workshops at schools and after to listening to feedback from others, he learned of the positive effects his dogs brought to people. Pete didn’t want his Newfoundlands to be just therapy dogs as there are many fantastic therapy dogs around already. He wanted to do something different, something unique, something that would show the full potential of the Newfoundland breed and his boys.

Why Newfoundlands?

The Newfoundland breed originates from Canada and were used initially as service and rescue dogs across fishing fleets. They have amazing swimming abilities  which are still prevalent today and have a natural inclination towards water rescue.

What makes them such incredible water dogs is that they have partially webbed feet and super strength, pulling 10 full grown men through the water with no issue. The average male Newfoundland can grow up to 150lb / 68kg and are quite high maintenance due to their year-round hair shedding, resulting in daily brushing needs.

Newfoundlands are one of the most loyal, affectionate, and protective breeds you can find. They have a gentleness towards children and are laid-back, relaxed and love to chill with some fuss. Above all else, they are one of the most handsome dogs around and make fantastic emotional support dogs.

10 mbliana de pheataí sona, 225k+ baill sásta

  • Níos fearr do thuismitheoirí peataí

    Faigheann tuismitheoirí peataí fíor-shuaimhneas intinne agus fios acu go dtugtar aire dá gcuid peataí (agus baile) fad a bhíonn siad as baile.

  • Funding

    As we are a non-profit organisation, we rely on sponsorship and donations to buy the equipment we use at our sessions. If you would like to discuss becoming a sponsor, head over to the Contact Us page and send us a message. If you would like to make a donation to Pete Lewin Newfoundlands, please click HERE.