This is an XXX parrot!

Margaret Davies

Mouthy macaw that swore at firefighters during rescue squawks to The Sun.

The Sun reports that the mouthy macaw that swore at a firefighter during a rooftop rescue gave an interview to The Sun - and told us to “F*** off” too! Escaped pet Jessie proved her language was as colourful as her feathers while safely back home after flying the coop last week. The 11-year-old’s owners say she is a massive flirt and often tells people “I love you” - but her mood quickly turns if they fail to reply. And when The Sun tried to ask Jessie about her three-day flit in Edmonton, North London, she screeched: “F*** off, f*** off, f*** off!” Being pressed on some top issues of the day also sent her into a flap. Asked whether Theresa May’s Chequers’ deal was the best outcome for Britain post-Brexit, she replied: “You slag!” Invited to give her analysis of Donald Trump’s presidency, the beaky blinder squawked: “You slag!”. And when the Greek-Cypriot family’s pet potty-mouth was asked if she would be on Strictly, Jessie yelled: “Malaka!” - Greek for w*****. Owner Penny Christoforou, 18, said: “It’s because she’s so intelligent, watches TV, and may have picked up some colourful language from us.” Jessie also enjoys bobbing to traditional folk music and yelling “Opa!”. But her dash for freedom came as a surprise to the family. Penny’s sister Xena, 19, said: “We didn’t even know she could fly. She normally just walks around the garden. “She’s been angry because family have been staying over with a young baby. She keeps telling the baby to shut up and go home.” And Jessie’s mean streak shone through as firefighters climbed up to rescue her on Monday. Watch Manager Chris Swallow said: “We were told that to bond with the parrot, you have to tell her, ‘I love you’." “While Jessie responded, ‘I love you’, we then discovered she had a bit of a foul mouth and kept swearing.” Jessie eventually flew down to a tree and was caught by Xena and Penny, who believes she “enjoyed her little adventure”. But the family say the parrot has now been grounded.
(Story source: The Sun)

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