Boy used pocket money to feed stray dogs, opened a no-kill animal shelter at age 9

While many of us love watching heartwarming “animal rescue” stories, actually saving an animal may not be as easy as it looks.
With so many unfortunate animals out there, we may ask ourselves, “What would I do if I saw a creature in distress?”
This is an inspiring story about a kind boy named Ken Amante, from the Philippines, who was not scared or disgusted by the sight of mangy-looking stray dogs. Instead, he saw an opportunity to help those unfortunate animals. As he began to help them more often, Ken’s parents became curious about where their little child was going every day.
Ken used to fill up his backpack with food he bought using his pocket money before taking off. One day in 2014, his father decided to follow him to see what his son was up to. To his astonishment, he discovered his son was feeding stray dogs.
Some of the dogs were just skin and bones. Ken named two young puppies Brownie and Whitey. He assumed one bigger dog, named Blackie, to be their mother. The three animals were covered in gaping sores and had mange, a disease dogs get when all their hair falls out.
The dogs accepted all of the food Ken brought them, though they kept at a distance at first.
Ken’s dad took photos of his kindhearted son feeding the stray dogs and posted them on Imgur. They quickly went viral. The boy’s kind actions got more attention, and people started reaching out to help. Donations from all over the world began to pour in.
Speaking to HNGN via video conference, Ken said: “Actually, I always loved animals, even when I was young. I was fond of them even when I was small. My parents told me that before I could even talk, I was already sleeping with my dad’s cat, Hajime-kun. Hajime-kun is 14 now, and he’s still here.”
Although Ken was only 9 at the time, his dream to open a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter was fulfilled. Using the donations he received, the boy established “The Happy Animals Club,” the first shelter of its kind in the Davao region of the Philippines, on March 31, 2014.
“I came up with the idea for the Happy Animals Club when I was thinking that there may be more kill shelters than actual shelters for animals,” he said, according to Metro. “I want to save as many of those dogs as I can from being killed for no reason.”
The family had managed to rent a plot of 10,000 square feet and secure it all round. Ken insisted on stocking only imported dog and cat food. Cats too were welcomed, as well as other animals that were in need of care.
The trio Ken had nursed back to health were the very first ones he took in the shelter. Whitey, Brownie, and Blackie were given medical attention and a safe home. Their sores soon healed, and their fur grew back.
The Happy Animals Club is still running today. “Since 2014, we’ve rescued more than 100 starving and sick animals, and provided countless meals to hungry strays,” its website states. As the number of animals increases, more volunteers and donations would be required.
Ken had never imagined in his wildest dreams that his simple act of kindness would take off as it did. He is living proof that caring does pay off, and sometimes it is good to let one’s heart lead the way.
(Story source: The Epoch Times)