Responsible Pet Owners Month

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month in the U.S. so we are sharing 8 tips to help you be a responsible pet owner! Pets are an important part of our lives and even a part of our families, so it is important to make sure they are treated how they should be.
Make your pet part of the family
Pets, especially dogs, need companionship. Nothing beats the love and warmth you can give your pet.
Make sure your house is pet proof
Most people might not know all of the hidden dangers around the house. Make sure you research what household products and foods are harmful for your pet. Put these harmful things in a place your pet cannot reach.
Take care of your pet
This includes regular visits to the vet and groomer, insuring your pet may also be important to your pet’s health. Make sure you know where your local vet is in case of an emergency.
Spay and neuter your pet
When your pet is spayed and neutered they can live healthier, longer lives.
Always keep an ID tag on your pet
Keeping a tag on your pets collar will ensure they will always find their way back to you.
Train your pet to understand
Making sure your dog is trained and well behaved is important. Dogs should at least understand basic direction like “sit” and “stay.” In an emergency situation these cues could save your pet’s life. Consider taking your pet to an obedience training class.
Give them regular exercise
Pets need exercise just like us! Your pet needs regular exercise to stay fit, healthy and to release their energy. If your pet has a lack of exercise, they will begin to act out. Young pets that do not get enough exercise are more likely to develop negative behavioural issues that lead many to give up their pet.
Love your pet
Your pet is your favourite thing, and you are theirs! They wait for you to come home and desire your attention. Be sure to give them all the love they deserve!