I’m a dog expert - the top 10 naughtiest pooches to own… and it’s bad news if you have a Labrador

The American Kennel Club has exposed the most misbehaved pooches and the results might shock you.
Labrador Retrievers are officially the naughtiest thanks to their strength and energy.
They are closely followed by the Beagle, Welsh Pembroke Corgi and Shiba Inu. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was also called out, followed by the Jack Russell Terrier. After them, the naughtiest breeds are the Dachshund, Border Collie and Cocker Spaniel.
The final breed deemed naughty was the beloved Golden Retriever. Even though they make excellent family pets, the golden-fur pooches are full of energy and mischief like the Labrador.
Border Collies are perhaps the most unsurprising on the list as many canine experts have urged busy families not to buy them in recent years. Being working dogs, the world’s smartest breed is known to nip and herd children based on their instincts. They also need lots of exercise and an environment to run around so that they don’t act aggressively out of boredom or frustration.
However, there is some good news for owners who have one of the other breeds mentioned. Experts at the American Kennel Club assured that, for those willing to put in the work, even the naughtiest dogs can be trained.
Canine behaviourist Will Atherton is on a mission to educate people to choose dog breeds they are able to handle properly. Will warned that guard dogs are never suitable for first time owners – and very rarely necessary in the UK where a dog’s bark could be enough to scare off burglars or other threats.
He urged people to analyse their lifestyle and research the most suitable breed you can offer a good life too. If you don’t have the time to train a dog properly, then you should wait until a better time to bring one into your home.
The 10 Naughtiest Dog Breeds:
1. Labrador Retriever 2. Beagle 3. Welsh Pembroke Corgi 4. Shiba Inu 5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 6. Jack Russell Terrier 7. Dachshund 8. Border Collie 9. Cocker Spaniel 10. Golden Retriever
(Story source: The Sun)