Rescue dog named Banksy is creating brilliant art to try to find a home

dog named banksy
Maggie Davies

Meet Banksy, a very talented dog who’s using his skills for good.

Metro reports that The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an excellent artist, creating graffiti paintings inspired by his namesake.

He’s now raffling off his creations to raise funds for Bristol Animal Rescue Centre, who took him in after his ‘rough start’. It’s also hoped that news of his artwork will spread and help Banksy find a home – with adults only.

Banksy came into the shelter’s care having been passed around a ‘few homes’ without finding someone to look after him forever.

Jodie Hayward, animal home manager at the centre, said: ‘Banksy is now looking for a consistent and patient home where he can settle.

‘Banksy is a lovely dog with a cheeky personality. ‘He loves training and is very eager to please, but he can get a bit boisterous and mouthy when he feels unsure as to how he should behave in certain situations. ‘Banksy is a misunderstood dog with lots of potential, and we are sure that he will bring a great deal of joy to the right family.’

The dog’s ideal home will have no children, cats, or other dogs, and potential owners should be aware that he’ll need muzzling on walks. But in return for some patience and love, you’d get a very special pal – and some great artwork for your home. So far, he’s created his very own version of Banksy’s famous Cat And Dog piece, using his nose and paws to spread the paint. Jodie added: ‘Banksy really enjoys creating the artworks, it’s a great enrichment activity for him
to do with his carers. ‘The brilliant thing about it is that every penny raised from his art will go towards helping, healing and homing the vulnerable animals in our care.’

Reckon you could help this struggling artist find a home? Get in touch with Bristol Animal Rescue Centre through their website.

(Story source: Metro)

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