Adorable dog looks so human people are convinced his face has been edited

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Nori the Aussiepoo mix is leaving the internet baffled with his human eyes and warming smile.

The Mirror reports that a cute dog named Nori is baffling the internet with his human-like face – convincing people his photos must have been altered.

With large almond shaped eyes that make him look like a wise old soul and a genuine smile, the Aussiepoo mix’s owners have got used to being stopped whenever they leave the house.

After Kevin Hurless and Tiffany Ngo posted a photo of their doggo on social media, he quickly became a viral sensation racking up over 9,000 likes.

Kevin, from Seattle, said: “When he was a puppy, we couldn’t go more than a block without someone stopping us to ask questions about him. “It has become less frequent as he’s gotten older, but we still often hear about how human his face and eyes look.

“When he was a puppy, his fur was much darker and he often was compared to Chewbacca or an Ewok, which are characters in Star Wars.

“We usually hear that it is his eyes that creates the human look and I tend to agree. “Nori is a Toy Australian Shepard and Toy Poodle mix and he often looks like he’s smiling.”

The adorable dog has his own Instagram account where comments are often left about his human features. Dog mum Tiffany said Nori is incredibly sweet, energetic and determined to make friends with every dog or human he meets. He will often put a toy in his mouth while he ‘kneads’ with his front paws, like cats often do.

It’s not the first time a dog has shocked people with its human appearance. Yogi, a Shih-poo, also attracted attention last year with his ‘human eyes’ – and was even compared to celebrities including Ed Sheeran.

Nori’s owner Kevin added: “We were surprised by all the attention he gets at first. “We knew he had a very unique and interesting look, but didn’t expect quite the reaction we got. “But we remember being dog-less and wanting to pet all of the dogs, so we try to be friendly and let people meet him as much as possible.

“We made the decision to get Nori a friend last year, Boba, who is a one year old Shorkie – which is a Shih-tzu, Yorkie mix. “They get along great and play together all the time, though Nori sometimes has too much energy for Boba and Boba gets annoyed. “You can see Nori’s human look even more when the two are stood side by side.

“‘Doodles’ as a breed are very popular right now, but being a toy mix, Nori is only about 13 pounds and mostly fluff. “He looks completely different during a bath.”


(Story source: The Mirror) 

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